Our Community Café is currently open on Wednesdays from 10.30 – 12.30am.
Join us for some delicious food and great conversation!
Our menu is currently on a week-to-week basis aside from our standard selection of teas, coffees, and cold drinks. Please visit our café in person to see what food is on offer.
We also have fully equipped catering spaces, perfect for events and local initiatives.
Delicious food and good company are what’s on the menu at our family meal evening.
We are always looking for more volunteers or community groups who would like to take a lead of running the community café so we can offer more opening hours. Please contact us if you would like to get involved.
To get in touch, please email
info@cranmore.ie or call 071 914 9951 or you can message us via our social media channels @cranmorecoop
Our office is at 11 Devins Drive, Sligo, or you can find us at the Community Workshop & Garden (see map).
Cranmore Community Co-operative Society Ltd is registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA), CRA number 20022464 and is registered with the Register of Friendly Societies number: 5455R.
Cranmore Community Co-operative Society Ltd